Example - !ArmagedonĬheat Mode Make sure you've installed patch 2.13 or later,then edit the z.cfg file and add the following line: Example - $ArmagedonĪdding a ! before the spell will cause the spell to cost nothing at the expense of being able to cast it once every 24hours. Then cast an Open Door spell on shop doors and help yourself! (Note: Stolen goods are restocked the following night.)Īdding a $ sign before the name of your spell in the spell maker will cut theĬasting cost by 3/4. And once the store has closed, you will be able to grab anything from store shelves! (Note: A wary shopkeeper can catch you in the act.)Ī more potent way of snagging goods is to wait outside until a group of shops have closed. One way is to loiter inside a store until closing time (23:00). There are two ways to grab "discounted" items from store shelves. Tada all new items are on the shelves again you can do thisĪll night it only takes a minute each time. Hit Esc and save then load back to your game while still I get a random number of skill points, but other than that it's completely up to me.After you are done robbing a store by loitering or just walking in at night Because when I level up in Arena, I get to pick which attributes are increased. I don't know what version of the game you were playing. Very few RPG's allowed you to select which stats/skills you wanted to improve. Of course, this was typical of most of the games back then.
(I'm not sure whether PC Gamer even existed in the very early days.) Some games had a 900 telephone number you could call if you were really stumped. In those days, there was no internet, so no forum chat rooms or hints, except those that might possibly appear in Computer Gaming World, Electronic Gaming, or the like. Sometimes it took as many as 5 or 6 tries to improve the stat I really wanted. Was I a Mage? Then it seemed that agility improved, but not intelligence. I learned to save the game every time I was within a battle or two of leveling up, because THE STATS WERE IMPROVED RANDOMLY! Was I playing a Warrior? Then it seemed invariably that intelligence improved, but not strength. Originally posted by linda6943:My main gripe with Arena was leveling up. If you love to mess with character concepts, get lost in huge dungeons, and experience first time in RPG features of home/ship ownership, a banking financial system, building a profitable mercantile trade network between cities and villages, etc, etc, etc I defintely would give Daggerfall a try. It had an almost hypnotic rapture of spending endless hours creating and testing improbable Player Character types and the impossibly huge spagetti type dungeons that even an experienced player would have to resort to teleportation to escape.
After Daggerfall I went on to Fallout 1 and 2 and never looked back to Arena.ĭaggerfall's character generation scheme is without a doubt the BEST that I've ever encountered and well worth the game's glitches and only 5 Save Game slots. I loved it 'bugs and all' and even Fallout (the original and another of my 'favs') sat on my shelf for more than a year until I finally tore myself away from Daggerfall. I haven't played it in years but it is definitely the biggest, baddest and unfortunately the buggiest RPG I've ever played. I guess it could be considered a diamond in the rough for what would become Daggerfall and its successor TES games.ĭaggerfall was my first PC RPG. From what I've read in the Wiki about Arena it was extremely difficult and designed to be a combat type game that unintentionally grew into an RPG through 'feature creep' during the design phase. If you have the patience I would highly recommend Daggerfall.